Saturday, December 11, 2010

Lesson 12 NT Choice #1

Yay for the last lesson!
This list is of the scriptures and how the Savior suffered emotional and physically
1.Matt 26:45-50 - knowing that one of his friends would betray him.
Matt 26:67-78 -was spit upon, buffeted, smote
Matt 27:26- scourged
"Derision and Scourging"- whipped, smoted, beaten, mocked
Matt 27:28- stripped
Matt 27: 29-30- mocked; crown of thorns, scarlet robe, spat upon, smoted
Matt 27:31 sent to be crucified
Matt 27:35 crucified, and the soldiers cast lots.
2. From this list I can see that Christ endured a lot of pain in the last 3 days of his mortal life. He took all of the sins of the world on his shoulders, was betrayed by someone who he considered to be a very close friend, and was hated and crucified by people who hated him. I could imagine him feeling sad that he had just done everyone in the world a favor and some of them were mean to him. He of course knew that they didn't realize the great favor that he did for them, but I'm sure he was feeling discouraged at one point in those three days. He never murmured once though. I am amazed because I know that any normal human being would have complained a ton if all that had happened to them. I can picture Jesus sitting in a cafe, drinking a cup of peppermint hot chocolate, when Peter walks in and sits down at his table:
Peter: (Yawning) Awwww, glad I found you. How are you feeling?
Jesus: Oh man, don't even get me started on how my day was.
Peter: Was it really that bad?
Jesus: It was worse than bad; ugh, first off I stayed up all night and I'm EXHAUSTED. Secondly, I took all of the sins of the world on my shoulders, I sweated blood from every pore, and I still haven't taken a bath. I feel disgusting.
Peter: Wow, that is pretty awful. I seriously think that nothing can be worse than that.
Jesus: Ya, and now in like 10 minutes, Judas is going to betray me to those thugs (aka Pharisees). I thought he loved me. And I love him, why would he do that to me?
Peter:I don't know why, but I always thought he was kinda shady. Well Jesus, if it makes you feel better I will always be by your side.
Jesus: You say that now, but before the end of this miserable night you are going to deny me thrice. I mean, I still love ya man, but your going to do it.
Peter: I would NEVER. Jesus, your one of my best friends. I would never do that to you.
Jesus: Well, not to change the subject or anything, but what are you doing in three days time?
Peter: Um, well I don't know. Do you have anything planned?
Jesus: Well I was hoping to visit you, just making sure you weren't busy.
Peter: Are you going away?
Jesus: Ya, it's time to pay my Dad a visit.
Peter: Oh, well that's nice. I'm sure he'll enjoy that.
Jesus: Yes, I'm very excited to see him. Oh, well it's been 10 minutes. I should probably go to Gethsemane.
Peter: Ok, how about I go with you.
Jesus (smiling meekly): I would really like that Peter. How about you wake up James and John, so they can come too.
Peter: Ok, sounds good.
Ok, maybe that is an extreme exaggeration, but in my mind I could totally see it. Christ wasn't like that though. Instead he took it, because he knew that it Father. He always has been able to see the bigger picture. It is because of that he is better fit to help us in any situation than anyone who has ever lived. In Hebrews, it makes a clear statement about how he walked the way of man in order to "be a merciful and faithful high priest... to make reconciliation for the sins of the people.."
It is mercy and compassion that drives Christ to be our constant companion. He is aware of the feelings we have in every situation, because God put Christ through every situation. It amazes me how intelligent our Heavenly Father is. He knew we would need someone in order to carry on when life gets hard. He knew that someone we need to be our coach, mentor, etc when he felt like there was no way to get out of a rut.
Christ was mortal. So was God, but God was a perfect being and he knew that Christ would better be able to relate to us than He to us. Christ felt all things that mortals feel everyday, discouragement, self-consciousness, disappointment. I think my favorite though is the feeling of not being able to fulfill a duty. In D&C 19:18 Christ tells of a moment when he felt like he couldn't accomplish something that he was suppose to do. He makes a perfect example of how with God's help anything is possible. God and Christ will be there for us"... forever and ever"(D&C 122:9).

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I gonna do it! I'm coming to Hawaii in December 2011 in order to run the Honolulu Marathon! I'm psyched out of my mind. I've already started my training, but I need to step it up to the next level in order to start running farther then 8 miles! 26.2 miles, YOU'RE MINE!!! I know I can do this! And I'm going to do it, so help me, or I will GROUND myself! Seriously! Hopefully all my friends who are in Hawaii will be there to cheer me on!
I'll be running, lifting, swimming, skating, and doing yoga for the next couple of months and I will need to make sure to find some people who will help me to continue no matter how unmotivated I get! Thank goodness my familia just got a pass to Granite! Hooray!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Choice #1 NT Lesson 11

John:14:15-17, 26-27; 15:26-27; 16:7-8, 13-14; Institute Manual; Bible Dictionary "Holy Ghost"
1. The Holy Ghost : -Comforts, -Spirit of Truth, -Teach all things, -Bring things to rememberance, -Peace, -Testify of Christ, -Reprove the world of sin, righteousness, and judgement, -Guide into all truth, -Glorify Christ, -Quickens intellectual faculties, -Increase, enlarges, expands, and purifies all natural passions and affections, -Inspires virtue, kindness, tenderness, gentleness, and charity, -Strengthens and gives tone to nerves, -Gives testimony to others, -Knows all truth
2. The Disciples must do these things to receive the Holy Ghost: -Keep the commandments, -Know him, -Not allow their hearts to be troubled or afraid, -Bear witness of Christ, -Baptised in Christ's name,
3. The Holy Ghost helped the Apostles fulfill their missions after the Savior's death and resurrection by helping them to communicate with Christ. Through the Holy Ghost, the apostles were able to know Christ's will and what he would have them teach to certain people. This allowed the to keep their ministry based on what Christ would want them to teach instead of what they, as mortal, imperfect men, would want to teach the people. It also was a comfort to the apostles when they had despairing moments in their lives.
A time when the Holy Ghost has blessed me is when I was in high school. From the time I was a freshman to the time I was a senior, I can definetly see a huge change in the way I acted and perceived my life. I was rough around the edges my freshman year, and I didn't have a strong testimony of the gospel. It was based off of my parents belief. I wouldn't stand up for my religion when other people would make fun of it, because I was to afraid to say anything. My sophomore I got a little bit better, but I still was rough around the edges and I wasn't friends with many of the kids who were LDS. My 2nd semester my sophomore year I decided to start reading one chapter of the Book of Mormon every night before I went to bed and that changed everything in my life. I began to be kinder, and more loving towards my family members, and friends. I was thinking about others more than myself, and I was the first to stop rumors about the LDS church at school. It was during this time that I met my best friend in the whole world (literally), who has made me a better person than I could ever! I know it was because of the influence of Holy Ghost that I was able to change!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Lesson 10 NT Choice #4

1. In John 13:34-35, it states that we should love one another as he has loved each of us. We can show that we are disciples of Christ by following this rule. We should love our neighbors despite their trespasses, and love all of those who wish us ill will. Show our love to those in need (by charity), and show those who we love more love so they will never forget how much we love them. The little things we do each day will help to remind those around us that we love them. Some ways are hugging a person, writing them a letter, giving them a compliment, and feeding them food.
2. If someone I know is ridiculed because of the way they dress I would:
- Tell the people who are ridiculing them to stop - Comfort the person if they were feeling bad - Tell them it's ok to be themselves - Dress just like them and start a trend
If I was to see a new person at church I would:
- Introduce myself - Invite them to any activities that would help them get acquainted with other people - Always say hi whenever I see them
3. If I could choose anyone to show more love tom it would be my dad. He does a lot for me and sometimes I take it for granted. I really need to start showing my appreciation more often instead of just simply saying thanks and walking away. Some ways that I can show my appreciate towards my dad is:
- doing all I can to help when I'm home - Try and call him more often - send him a text every so often, just letting him know I love him. - Take good care of the things he gives me - Never take anything for granted - Make him proud of me

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

NT Choice #1 Lesson 9

Destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem (JS-M 1:5-20)

Events to Occur: -Men will claim they follow Christ
- Disciples will be hated and killed
-Many shall be offended and shall betray and hate one another
-great tribulations of the Jews
Promises to the Righteous: -Those who are steadfast shall be saved
-Lord will let those of the house of Judah flee to the mountains

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ (JS-M 1:21-55)
Events to Occur: -False Christ shall appear
-Wars and rumors of wars
-Nations shall rise against nations and kingdoms against kingdoms
-Famines, pestilences, and earthquakes shall happen
- Love of man shall wax cold
-Sun shall darken, moon shall not give light, stars shall fall from heaven
-Powers of heaven shall be shaken
- Gospel will be preached to all nations
Promises to the Righteous:- Those who are steadfast will be saved
-Be gathered together
-Will see the signs and know
- Will be prepared for the Lords coming.

In 1st Nephi 22:16-22 and D&C 97: 22, 25, they talk about how the time when Jesus shall come again to the Earth. These scriptures especially give hope to those who have read about the signs of the Second Coming and think that it is going to be a scary ordeal. Well for those who have a firm faith that Jesus is their Savior and Redeemer then the Second Coming will be a time of rejoicing instead of fear. In 1st Nephi it talks about how Jesus will make sure the righteous are tqaken care of, and will be saved in the last days. Those who fight against Zion will be separated from those who dwell in Zion. As long as they inhabitants of Zion observe the commandments that God placed before them, then they shall be escape the vengeance upon the ungodly.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

NT Choice #1

Key events in the last week of Christ's Ministry:

Day 1- Rode into Jerusalem on a donkey's back while the multitude placed palm branches in his way and shouted hosanna. He also went to the temple, then retired to Bethany.
Day 2- Drove the merchants from the outer courts of the temple, which challenged the authority of the leaders in the church. But it posed the question, is the temple a place of worship of God or a pursuit of gain. Jesus said it is a house a prayer and the leaders "...made it a den of thieves."(Matt 21:13)
Day 3- Jesus returned to the temple where the scribes and the Pharisees met him. They confronted him ans asked him by what authority he thought he could drive out people from the temple. Jesus told them a series of parables and then denounced them, calling them hypocrites. The Jewish leaders plot Jesus's death, and Judas offers to betray Jesus.
Day 4-Jesus spent his day outside Jerusalem. None of the disciples wrote anything concerning what came to pass during this day.
Day 5-Jesus celebrated the Passover with his disciples. He introduces the sacrament, prophesies of his death, and indicates who will betray him. Jesus then went to the Garden of Gethsemane with 11 of his disciples. After taking all of our sins upon himself, he rejoined his disciples and then was betrayed by Judas who brought an armed band of the Pharisees "henchmen".
Day 6- Jesus was tried by Jewish leaders and Pilate based on 2 false crimes. The 1st was that he claimed blasphemy, the second was he had claimed himself to be a "king" which in Roman law is charge of sedition. After being convicted he was then crucified. Because the Passover was the next day, Jesus's body was taken down from the cross and put in a tomb.
Day 7 (Sabbath)- Jesus's body remained in the tomb, but his spirit was ministering in the realm of departed spirits.
Day of Resurrection- Jesus rises from the dead and a appears to many witnesses. Mary was the first to see him, and then he appeared to his disciples and many other countries and worlds.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

NT Choice # 2

Luke 16:1-12 (pg 124)- The major principle that the Lord wanted to teach about the unjust steward was that the Saints of God should approach the task of preparing for their eternal future with care. They shouldn't try to deceive those around them. We shouldn't worry about the worldy wealth, but instead we should focus on the treasures the Spirit has to offer.

Luke 16:19-31(pg. 124-125) The principle that Christ was teaching by this parable was that before his death there was a separation between Heaven and Hell, and after his death he put a bridge between heaven and hell so that all Spirits may be able to obtain a second chance for repentance before the day of Judgement.
Luke 17:11-19(pg 130) The prinicple that Christ wanted us to learn from this parable was that it was the faith of the Lepers that made them whole. They believed that when Jesus said to show themselves to the priest, that they would be able to be reintroduced into society. The one Samaritan leper who gave thanks to Christ for his miracle represented how the Jewish people were going to no longer be the chosen people. That all could receive the gospel of peace just as long as they had faith.
Luke 18:1-8(pg 131) The principle found within this parable is that Christ wanted to make sure that people knew that the ways of God were no like mans. The judge represents that opposite attitude that God feels towards our needs. The judge felt that the widows needs were bother some, and he dealt with them when they became too annoying to him. God sees our wants and our needs as important and he is always willing to answer our prayers in the time that is best for our benefit and growth.
Luke 18:9-14 (pg 131) The parable of the publican and the Pharisee is simple about how we should be humble and not boast of our self-righteousness. We are not as perfect as we would like to think we are, and when we humble ourselves we are better able to learn and grow. When we think we are almost perfect, we are less likely to take advice or to change!