Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day One

Have you ever thought of a good idea, yet never wrote it down? Or thought of a question, yet when you find the answer you can't remember what the question was in the first place. In my life that is a continuous process. I forget, I remember, forget, remember. I think the best part is remembering though. Well, today while I was watching the news as I was doing my hill climb run 0n an tredmill in my schools workout room (breath), I was somehow thinking about all these odd things: politics, cancer, health, happiness, romance, and etc. Along with that I was thinking about all the things I want to accoplish in my life, all the goals I have set. I mean, my brain was working a thousand miles a hour as I was listening to this reporter talk about the recent ba-jab. As soon as I walked into the door of my dorm room, I wrote everything down. So, this is mostly for myself, but I thought I would let some people enjoy the randomness which is in my mind. I believe everyone can and should write down their thoughts, so why not be the first to start? Ta-da! Here I go!