Saturday, December 11, 2010

Lesson 12 NT Choice #1

Yay for the last lesson!
This list is of the scriptures and how the Savior suffered emotional and physically
1.Matt 26:45-50 - knowing that one of his friends would betray him.
Matt 26:67-78 -was spit upon, buffeted, smote
Matt 27:26- scourged
"Derision and Scourging"- whipped, smoted, beaten, mocked
Matt 27:28- stripped
Matt 27: 29-30- mocked; crown of thorns, scarlet robe, spat upon, smoted
Matt 27:31 sent to be crucified
Matt 27:35 crucified, and the soldiers cast lots.
2. From this list I can see that Christ endured a lot of pain in the last 3 days of his mortal life. He took all of the sins of the world on his shoulders, was betrayed by someone who he considered to be a very close friend, and was hated and crucified by people who hated him. I could imagine him feeling sad that he had just done everyone in the world a favor and some of them were mean to him. He of course knew that they didn't realize the great favor that he did for them, but I'm sure he was feeling discouraged at one point in those three days. He never murmured once though. I am amazed because I know that any normal human being would have complained a ton if all that had happened to them. I can picture Jesus sitting in a cafe, drinking a cup of peppermint hot chocolate, when Peter walks in and sits down at his table:
Peter: (Yawning) Awwww, glad I found you. How are you feeling?
Jesus: Oh man, don't even get me started on how my day was.
Peter: Was it really that bad?
Jesus: It was worse than bad; ugh, first off I stayed up all night and I'm EXHAUSTED. Secondly, I took all of the sins of the world on my shoulders, I sweated blood from every pore, and I still haven't taken a bath. I feel disgusting.
Peter: Wow, that is pretty awful. I seriously think that nothing can be worse than that.
Jesus: Ya, and now in like 10 minutes, Judas is going to betray me to those thugs (aka Pharisees). I thought he loved me. And I love him, why would he do that to me?
Peter:I don't know why, but I always thought he was kinda shady. Well Jesus, if it makes you feel better I will always be by your side.
Jesus: You say that now, but before the end of this miserable night you are going to deny me thrice. I mean, I still love ya man, but your going to do it.
Peter: I would NEVER. Jesus, your one of my best friends. I would never do that to you.
Jesus: Well, not to change the subject or anything, but what are you doing in three days time?
Peter: Um, well I don't know. Do you have anything planned?
Jesus: Well I was hoping to visit you, just making sure you weren't busy.
Peter: Are you going away?
Jesus: Ya, it's time to pay my Dad a visit.
Peter: Oh, well that's nice. I'm sure he'll enjoy that.
Jesus: Yes, I'm very excited to see him. Oh, well it's been 10 minutes. I should probably go to Gethsemane.
Peter: Ok, how about I go with you.
Jesus (smiling meekly): I would really like that Peter. How about you wake up James and John, so they can come too.
Peter: Ok, sounds good.
Ok, maybe that is an extreme exaggeration, but in my mind I could totally see it. Christ wasn't like that though. Instead he took it, because he knew that it Father. He always has been able to see the bigger picture. It is because of that he is better fit to help us in any situation than anyone who has ever lived. In Hebrews, it makes a clear statement about how he walked the way of man in order to "be a merciful and faithful high priest... to make reconciliation for the sins of the people.."
It is mercy and compassion that drives Christ to be our constant companion. He is aware of the feelings we have in every situation, because God put Christ through every situation. It amazes me how intelligent our Heavenly Father is. He knew we would need someone in order to carry on when life gets hard. He knew that someone we need to be our coach, mentor, etc when he felt like there was no way to get out of a rut.
Christ was mortal. So was God, but God was a perfect being and he knew that Christ would better be able to relate to us than He to us. Christ felt all things that mortals feel everyday, discouragement, self-consciousness, disappointment. I think my favorite though is the feeling of not being able to fulfill a duty. In D&C 19:18 Christ tells of a moment when he felt like he couldn't accomplish something that he was suppose to do. He makes a perfect example of how with God's help anything is possible. God and Christ will be there for us"... forever and ever"(D&C 122:9).

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I gonna do it! I'm coming to Hawaii in December 2011 in order to run the Honolulu Marathon! I'm psyched out of my mind. I've already started my training, but I need to step it up to the next level in order to start running farther then 8 miles! 26.2 miles, YOU'RE MINE!!! I know I can do this! And I'm going to do it, so help me, or I will GROUND myself! Seriously! Hopefully all my friends who are in Hawaii will be there to cheer me on!
I'll be running, lifting, swimming, skating, and doing yoga for the next couple of months and I will need to make sure to find some people who will help me to continue no matter how unmotivated I get! Thank goodness my familia just got a pass to Granite! Hooray!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Choice #1 NT Lesson 11

John:14:15-17, 26-27; 15:26-27; 16:7-8, 13-14; Institute Manual; Bible Dictionary "Holy Ghost"
1. The Holy Ghost : -Comforts, -Spirit of Truth, -Teach all things, -Bring things to rememberance, -Peace, -Testify of Christ, -Reprove the world of sin, righteousness, and judgement, -Guide into all truth, -Glorify Christ, -Quickens intellectual faculties, -Increase, enlarges, expands, and purifies all natural passions and affections, -Inspires virtue, kindness, tenderness, gentleness, and charity, -Strengthens and gives tone to nerves, -Gives testimony to others, -Knows all truth
2. The Disciples must do these things to receive the Holy Ghost: -Keep the commandments, -Know him, -Not allow their hearts to be troubled or afraid, -Bear witness of Christ, -Baptised in Christ's name,
3. The Holy Ghost helped the Apostles fulfill their missions after the Savior's death and resurrection by helping them to communicate with Christ. Through the Holy Ghost, the apostles were able to know Christ's will and what he would have them teach to certain people. This allowed the to keep their ministry based on what Christ would want them to teach instead of what they, as mortal, imperfect men, would want to teach the people. It also was a comfort to the apostles when they had despairing moments in their lives.
A time when the Holy Ghost has blessed me is when I was in high school. From the time I was a freshman to the time I was a senior, I can definetly see a huge change in the way I acted and perceived my life. I was rough around the edges my freshman year, and I didn't have a strong testimony of the gospel. It was based off of my parents belief. I wouldn't stand up for my religion when other people would make fun of it, because I was to afraid to say anything. My sophomore I got a little bit better, but I still was rough around the edges and I wasn't friends with many of the kids who were LDS. My 2nd semester my sophomore year I decided to start reading one chapter of the Book of Mormon every night before I went to bed and that changed everything in my life. I began to be kinder, and more loving towards my family members, and friends. I was thinking about others more than myself, and I was the first to stop rumors about the LDS church at school. It was during this time that I met my best friend in the whole world (literally), who has made me a better person than I could ever! I know it was because of the influence of Holy Ghost that I was able to change!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Lesson 10 NT Choice #4

1. In John 13:34-35, it states that we should love one another as he has loved each of us. We can show that we are disciples of Christ by following this rule. We should love our neighbors despite their trespasses, and love all of those who wish us ill will. Show our love to those in need (by charity), and show those who we love more love so they will never forget how much we love them. The little things we do each day will help to remind those around us that we love them. Some ways are hugging a person, writing them a letter, giving them a compliment, and feeding them food.
2. If someone I know is ridiculed because of the way they dress I would:
- Tell the people who are ridiculing them to stop - Comfort the person if they were feeling bad - Tell them it's ok to be themselves - Dress just like them and start a trend
If I was to see a new person at church I would:
- Introduce myself - Invite them to any activities that would help them get acquainted with other people - Always say hi whenever I see them
3. If I could choose anyone to show more love tom it would be my dad. He does a lot for me and sometimes I take it for granted. I really need to start showing my appreciation more often instead of just simply saying thanks and walking away. Some ways that I can show my appreciate towards my dad is:
- doing all I can to help when I'm home - Try and call him more often - send him a text every so often, just letting him know I love him. - Take good care of the things he gives me - Never take anything for granted - Make him proud of me

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

NT Choice #1 Lesson 9

Destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem (JS-M 1:5-20)

Events to Occur: -Men will claim they follow Christ
- Disciples will be hated and killed
-Many shall be offended and shall betray and hate one another
-great tribulations of the Jews
Promises to the Righteous: -Those who are steadfast shall be saved
-Lord will let those of the house of Judah flee to the mountains

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ (JS-M 1:21-55)
Events to Occur: -False Christ shall appear
-Wars and rumors of wars
-Nations shall rise against nations and kingdoms against kingdoms
-Famines, pestilences, and earthquakes shall happen
- Love of man shall wax cold
-Sun shall darken, moon shall not give light, stars shall fall from heaven
-Powers of heaven shall be shaken
- Gospel will be preached to all nations
Promises to the Righteous:- Those who are steadfast will be saved
-Be gathered together
-Will see the signs and know
- Will be prepared for the Lords coming.

In 1st Nephi 22:16-22 and D&C 97: 22, 25, they talk about how the time when Jesus shall come again to the Earth. These scriptures especially give hope to those who have read about the signs of the Second Coming and think that it is going to be a scary ordeal. Well for those who have a firm faith that Jesus is their Savior and Redeemer then the Second Coming will be a time of rejoicing instead of fear. In 1st Nephi it talks about how Jesus will make sure the righteous are tqaken care of, and will be saved in the last days. Those who fight against Zion will be separated from those who dwell in Zion. As long as they inhabitants of Zion observe the commandments that God placed before them, then they shall be escape the vengeance upon the ungodly.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

NT Choice #1

Key events in the last week of Christ's Ministry:

Day 1- Rode into Jerusalem on a donkey's back while the multitude placed palm branches in his way and shouted hosanna. He also went to the temple, then retired to Bethany.
Day 2- Drove the merchants from the outer courts of the temple, which challenged the authority of the leaders in the church. But it posed the question, is the temple a place of worship of God or a pursuit of gain. Jesus said it is a house a prayer and the leaders "...made it a den of thieves."(Matt 21:13)
Day 3- Jesus returned to the temple where the scribes and the Pharisees met him. They confronted him ans asked him by what authority he thought he could drive out people from the temple. Jesus told them a series of parables and then denounced them, calling them hypocrites. The Jewish leaders plot Jesus's death, and Judas offers to betray Jesus.
Day 4-Jesus spent his day outside Jerusalem. None of the disciples wrote anything concerning what came to pass during this day.
Day 5-Jesus celebrated the Passover with his disciples. He introduces the sacrament, prophesies of his death, and indicates who will betray him. Jesus then went to the Garden of Gethsemane with 11 of his disciples. After taking all of our sins upon himself, he rejoined his disciples and then was betrayed by Judas who brought an armed band of the Pharisees "henchmen".
Day 6- Jesus was tried by Jewish leaders and Pilate based on 2 false crimes. The 1st was that he claimed blasphemy, the second was he had claimed himself to be a "king" which in Roman law is charge of sedition. After being convicted he was then crucified. Because the Passover was the next day, Jesus's body was taken down from the cross and put in a tomb.
Day 7 (Sabbath)- Jesus's body remained in the tomb, but his spirit was ministering in the realm of departed spirits.
Day of Resurrection- Jesus rises from the dead and a appears to many witnesses. Mary was the first to see him, and then he appeared to his disciples and many other countries and worlds.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

NT Choice # 2

Luke 16:1-12 (pg 124)- The major principle that the Lord wanted to teach about the unjust steward was that the Saints of God should approach the task of preparing for their eternal future with care. They shouldn't try to deceive those around them. We shouldn't worry about the worldy wealth, but instead we should focus on the treasures the Spirit has to offer.

Luke 16:19-31(pg. 124-125) The principle that Christ was teaching by this parable was that before his death there was a separation between Heaven and Hell, and after his death he put a bridge between heaven and hell so that all Spirits may be able to obtain a second chance for repentance before the day of Judgement.
Luke 17:11-19(pg 130) The prinicple that Christ wanted us to learn from this parable was that it was the faith of the Lepers that made them whole. They believed that when Jesus said to show themselves to the priest, that they would be able to be reintroduced into society. The one Samaritan leper who gave thanks to Christ for his miracle represented how the Jewish people were going to no longer be the chosen people. That all could receive the gospel of peace just as long as they had faith.
Luke 18:1-8(pg 131) The principle found within this parable is that Christ wanted to make sure that people knew that the ways of God were no like mans. The judge represents that opposite attitude that God feels towards our needs. The judge felt that the widows needs were bother some, and he dealt with them when they became too annoying to him. God sees our wants and our needs as important and he is always willing to answer our prayers in the time that is best for our benefit and growth.
Luke 18:9-14 (pg 131) The parable of the publican and the Pharisee is simple about how we should be humble and not boast of our self-righteousness. We are not as perfect as we would like to think we are, and when we humble ourselves we are better able to learn and grow. When we think we are almost perfect, we are less likely to take advice or to change!

Our Moon

" I see the moon and the moon see's me

God bless the moon and God bless me
With a diddle-diddle-dumplin
A diddle-diddle-dee
God bless the moon and God bless me"
It is interesting how excited I get whenever I look at the moon. It's not your average, "oh the moon is up and it looks pretty" kind of reaction. My reaction is more of a calm excited sensation. It reminds me that every night everyone can see the moon no matter where they are at. For the past year and 1/2 I've found solace in that fact. Because someone I love has usually been very very far away from me. Every time I see the moon, I think of how he probably saw it too. I have made sure that where I sleep most of the time is by a window, just so I can see the moon and remember every night why I love it so much.
Last night I had a great experience. I was getting ready for bed after a long snowy day of truckin through the snow in my hefty snow boots (wonderful things), and just as I was about to shut my eyes I left a little bit of light above my head. I looked and saw that it was coming from in between the blinds. I quickly got up and pushed the blinds apart in order to see the most beautiful moon shining in the dark sky. I just sat and gazed as I reminded myself what I have been telling myself for the past 4 months, "he saw it and thought of me just like I'm thinking of him".
He actually sent me the picture that is attached to this post. His mother was wondering why he would attach a random picture of the moon to his weekly emails, but I knew =). It's moments like that when I know everything is worth it. He may be in Uruguay, but we can look at the moon and remember why we are best friends!
I tinkered with this picture to make it look as beautiful as I think it looks every night (just in case if your wondering why it looks so vibrant)!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Nelson Mandela and Truth

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” The above speech by Nelson Mandela was orignally written by Marianne Williamson who is the author of other similar material.”

I FINALLY found this online. I've been thinking a lot about all the things I've been taught in my life, and why they mean so much to me. I'm still trying to figure out why I've had certain experiences in my life and why I don't understand the importance of them. Someday I hope to fully understand the purpose of all the random events in my life.
The reason I have this quote though, is because I know that within the LDS church, we are told that we have the potential to be like God. My perspective on that statement has always been ," ya, we WILL have the potential when we are resurrected beings." It wasn't until I read this quote that I realized that is not the case.
We have divine potential NOW. Mediocrity is the only thing that puts us far below our ultimate potential. We strive for the social aspects of life. We seek for the admiration of those around us based on our wits and character. That is an important aspect, but our spiritual growth is crucial. How often do we think that we have the potential to move moutains, to heal the sick, create worlds? I honestly, never have taken the time to sit down and realize all that I could be if I just put my mind to it. I mean, I know what I'm NOT good at, but I could work harder at being better. I could even try something I never thought I could do, like playing the violin..... hahaha maybe someday. But it's the truth of my ultimate potential that makes me want to do it!
This past couple of months I've been spending time with some amazing people. I can honestly feel that I have been bettered because of their influence! The picture above is of my roommate Cera who put up with me and my sleep talking! I love her to death and she is a gifted pianist! She is so strong and knows what she wants in life. I hope to be like my lil girl some day ;) Cuz, even though she calls me Momma Kai, she is the one I look up to. She's my sexybeast forever and always!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Choice #2 Being a Disciple of Christ

1. What it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ:

- Listen to his words (they'll last longer) - Forgive everyone who is indebted to us - Be willing to serve -Ask, seek, and knock - never stop trying to learn -work hard to keep a strong testimony - Don't doubt God's power - Have trust in his willingness to give - keep clean in order to be received into the kingdom -sacrifice things in order to keep Christ in your life
2. One of the teachings that I would like to apply more fully to my life is that of trusting in his willingness to give. I often feel as though I have to depend on myself to do anything. Whether it be studying, taking a test, working out, running a marathon, traveling, I always focus on "how I'M going to handle" something. I need to focus on seeking divine help more often, because doing it by myself is never enough and it makes life WAY more difficult. I don't know about you guys, but I like life to be as easy as it gets =).
3. What is ultimately required to be a disciple of Jesus Christ is forsaking all, seek after the gospel because it is the "one pearl of great price". It is worth more than anything. Disciples need to offer their whole soul as an offering to follow Christ. Also fasting a praying, and enduring to the end are part of our offerings. Disciples should also learn all about the gospel, so that they won't be ignorant to the teachings of Christ.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Choice #3 Matthew 18:1-14 "Become as Little Children"

1. In Matt, the scriptures say that we are suppose to be like children in that we humble ourselves. In D&C , it says that we must be like little children in that we must seek to know what our Father would have us do. The Lord does say that he will help us. In D&C 78:18, He says, " ...for i will lead you along.".

2. We are to become like children:
- submissive - meek -humble -patient -full of love -willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him.
I really like this topic because I have found that being a child is not a bad thing. In high school, people use to think that if you acted child-like, then that person was naive and stupid. Since I have been in college, I have found it easier to be more like a child in the sense that I am more willing to submit to the will of Heavenly Father. I heard in a talk recently that the best thing we can give to our Heavenly Father is our free agency. I decided to do that last year and I have had many oppotunities that I never thought would be possible. It was all because of Heavenly father that I was able to accomplish many of my goals, and I'm grateful for it!

Choice #3 Matthew 14:22-33 Walking on the Sea

1. The Apostles initial reaction was fear when they saw Jesus walking on water because they assumed that he was a spirit.

2. Peter's response to Jesus walking on water indicates that he had exceeding faith in comparison to the other Apostles.
3.Peter began to sink because he let his faith turn into fear, and thus he didn't have sufficient faith to keep himself afloat.
4.Peter cried out unto Jesus to save him when he started to sink. Jesus's timing in saving Peter is portrayed by the word "immediately". He immediately has the desire to save Peter, but he rebukes him by saying, " O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?". Jesus knows that we can produce enough faith to be sufficient on our own, and he is disappointed when Peter let's his unceasing faith diminish.
5. D&C 88:67 And if your eye be asingle to my bglory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you; and that body which is filled with lightccomprehendeth all things.
This scripture applies to Peter's experience on the water because he knew that by having a belief in Jesus and his infinite power that he would be able to do anything as long as the Savior said it was possible. He was able to find the light of Christ and apply it. His faith was so strong and his trust in the Lord was so great that Jesus knew that he could not deny him anything. This example can help me to make sure that my faith is sufficient enough to help me get through the storms of life. That I will be able to know, without any doubt, that Christ will be there to lead and guide me. He does these things to help build my character, which in turn builds my faith in him.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Choice #4 For NT

"What does John 3:30 suggest about John the Baptist and his attitude toward the Savior? Briefly describe how we could apply a similar attitude in our own lives."
In John 3:30, John the Baptist was baptising in the river named Aenon. While he was there, Jesus had come with his disciples. John also had disciples there. Jesus and John's disciples started to ask questions of purifying. When John's disciples came to John with that question, John gave them a really great answer. He said in verse 27-30:

John 3: 27"A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven.
28 Ye yourselves bear me witness, that I said, I am not the Christ, but that I am sent before him.
29 He that hath the bride is the bridegroom: but the friend of the bridegroom, which standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice: this my joy therefore is fulfilled.
30 He must increase, but I must decrease."
John shows humility by saying this. He knows that he is a servant to Jesus Christ. He knows that Jesus is the Savior and Redeemer and that John's purpose on earth is to prepare the way for Jesus. John had unwavering faith in Jesus's divinity and his perfection.
I could apply this similar principle in my life by trying to realize the bigger picture of the situations I am put into. This means to see the way that God sees towards every occasion, event and person that is placed before me. I know that Heavenly Father and Christ place situations in my life in order to help me progress and to have me HELP others to be strengthened and grow. John the Baptist realized that his purpose on this Earth was not for him to be worshipped and revered. It was all about Christ and his teachings. I hope to apply this better in my life.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Choice 2: Matthew 8-9; Mark 2. Miracles Are Evidence of Faith and God's Power Part 2

When I think of the things that Jesus was able to do during his ministry on Earth, I am amazed at all the miracles he was able to perform. He was only able to perform those miracles based on the faith of those he was bestowing the blessings upon. He was able to fix mortal problems that science can't even cure in this modern day. It was by faith that all miracles can come to pass, and it makes me think that I need to increase my faith. I don't know if I was put in one of those situations if I would be able to have enough faith to create miracles in my life. I hope that I will be able to increase my faith this next year in order to help me to prepare for miracles in my life.

Choice 2: Matthew 8-9; Mark 2. Miracles Are Evidence of Faith and God's Power Part 1

Miracles of the Lord
Who Demonstrated Faith
Matthew 8:1-4
Cleansed the leper
The Leper
Matthew 8:5-13
Healed the servant with palsy
The Centurion
Matthew 8:14-15Rid Peter's Mother-in-Law of fever
Peter's Family
Matthew 8:16Cast out devils & healed sicked
Those People
Matthew 8:23-27Calmed the waves
Matthew 8:28-34Cast devils into swine
Matthew 9:20-22; Mark 5:25-34
Healed the woman with blood issues
The woman
Matthew 9:27-31Gave the blind men sight
The blind men
Mark 2:1-12
Healed the man with palsy
Man w/ palsy, his friends, & family

Saturday, September 18, 2010

New Testament Blog: Choice #4- We Must be Born again

The difference between “seeing” the kingdom of God and “entering” the kingdom of God, is that I really have no idea. But I would guess that when you see the kingdom of God, you are envisioning the possibility of what it could be like, while entering could be along the lines of not only envisioning the kingdom, but working towards obtaining the kingdom. The Lord explains this to Nicodemus, the Rabbi. He tells Nicodemus that he must enter into baptism in order to enter the kingdom of God. Baptism is a symbol of rebirth. In Moses 6:59, examples of rebirth are: dust of the living soul, be cleansed by blood, sanctified from sin. Baptism can also be a symbol of death. In Romans 6:4, examples of death are: resurrection, death of the natural man, death of our sins, death of Jesus Christ.
To be born of the Spirit, a man must look go of the natural man and enter into a covenant to let go of the natural man. When he obtains the gift of the Spirit, he is born with the light of Christ to lead and guide his life.
The natural element that the Lord compares to the Spirit to is the wind and it's an effective comparison because the wind and the Spirit are felt, but not tangible. They are not seen.
Heavenly Father loves all of his children. He sacrificed the life of a perfect being in order to make up for the imperfections of others. Jesus took upon our sins as a gift, so we could receive everlasting life. Jesus was sent specifically for that purpose. Despite our imperfections we will be able to obtain eternal life and spend them with our families and our Heavenly Father as long as we have full faith in Christ.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

New Testament Homework; Jesus is Amazing

I am currently taking a online religion class and I have learned BOAT LOADS of things that I have never took into consideration before when reading the New Testament.
the scriptures I had to read were Luke 2:40–52, Joseph Smith Translation, Matthew 3:24–26, and Doctrine and Covenants 93:12–14:
1. In Luke, I read the story of how Christ, as a child, went with his family to Jerusalem for the Passover. When his family left they didn't realize that they had left him behind. When Mary and Joseph finally found Jesus, he was in a temple and he was having a discussion with doctors. Mary and Joseph were not very happy with Jesus, as most parents would be if they had been frantically searching for their child for more than a day. Jesus's explanation to his parents distress was "
How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?"(Luke 2:49). His parents at first didn't understand what he was saying. One of the things God sent Jesus to do while he was her on earth was to gain as much knowledge as he possibly could. Thus, when he was having a discussion with the doctors he was trying to gain knowledge because God (His Father) wanted him to.
2. In JST Matthew 3:24-26 it talks about how Christ grew up with his brothers and sisters. During his childhood the Father was with him a lot because he was teaching Jesus things that would be important to his ministry in his later years. Jesus didn't need to learn the things of man, because the things of God were a more perfect form of all the knowledge that men have to offer.
3. In D&C 93:12-14, Joseph Smith reiterates teachings of John the Beloved. John teaches that Christ had to learn things gradually. Heavenly Father taught Jesus the importance of certain doctrines and principles gradually from the time he was younger until he was right about to start his ministry. Heavenly Father taught Jesus these things so he could teach those he would minister to. Jesus also went through all the same trials, and tribulations so he could understand why he need to be our Savior and Redeemer.
I also read the stories in the institute manual called, “Jesus Had to Overcome the Veil” (pp. 24–25) and “As a Child, Jesus Sought to Learn from His Father” (pp. 25–26). From these two stories, I learned what I had learned from the scriptures I read. Something I didn't learn from the scriptures but from the the stories I read, was that Jesus didn't have the veil lifted from him from birth. I had always thought that he hadn't had the veil when he was living on earth but I guess he did! I also learned that Jesus Christ didn't receive the ability to have the Holy Ghost until right before he started his ministry.
Christ example can be an inspiration to me because he had the ability to be perfect despite the fact that he didn't have the veil lifted from him, and he had all the same trials and tribulations that we have in our lives. I feel as though by his example of striving to live obedient despite the fact that at first he doesn't know why he has to do something can apply to my life. I often question things, especially if I have a shallow understanding of what it is pertaining to. Thus, if I apply his example I will be able to accept things and be more obedient to the laws and commandments of God.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

My wonderful, fun-filled bike accident

On my way home from work, I had my little sister following me on her bike. She was carrying her golf clubs on her back. She kept telling me, "Please go the easiest way home!"
I decided to go down shiloh road, which was one of the main roads that had a bike trail. I had forgotten that (for some odd reason) there was construction going on this road. As my sister and I were crossing the street to get on the bike trail, I saw a contruction sign that was set right in the middle of the sidewalk. Luckily there was a house with a gravel driveway that allowed me to go around the bike construction sign. As I was trying to get back on the sidewalk from the other side of the gravel driveway, I didn't turn my bike hard enough to get over the big lip on the sidewalk that was higher than the gravel driveway, and with that my bike went the oppostie way of my body and I slide over the nicely scraped gravel road.

A construction worker was the first one to get to me as I tried to get up, but failed miserably. My little sister kept yelling my name from the sidewalk. I hobbled back to the sidewalk with the help of a the construction worker. The man who lived in the house that we used the driveway, came out and started to check my wounds. My hand was bleeding and I also had some scrapes on my left foot. The man was a missionary and part of a local evangelist church called "Jump for Jesus". There was a huge ramp in there backyard and they met every Sunday to watched their pastor fly off the ramp and through a ring of fire! So while the missionary was pouring water over my bleeding hand, he was telling me all about his church and inviting me to come to the meetings . It was while he was telling me thisthat I noticed that it wasn't water that was running down my leg and was pooling in my shiny purple ballet flats. I looked down to see blood coming from under my pant leg, and seeing how much blood there was made me not want to look under my pant leg at all. After finally began to feel pain from that spot, I asked the gentleman if he could look at my knee. He told me to look away and after he looked at it, he quickly waved over his friend and said to me, " I'm going to let my friend look at it, he use to be a paramedic."
That's when the friend said, "Yep, that's gonna need stitches."
That was when I finally began to weep. I have a severe fear of needles- or in other words, belonephobia. Just the thought of using medical needles make me bawl. It was at this time that my mother pulled up into the driveway. She saw me bawling and after being told I would need stitches she knew I wasn't crying because of the pain.
It was after six, so instead of being able to go to my regular doctor, my mother decided to take me to the emergency room. They put me in a wheel chair, gauze and bandaged me up, took x-rays- the whole sha-bang. Made me take off my pants and wear one of those moo-moo looking things. My mom, dad and little sister were making jokes about how I'm the reason for health insurance and that I'm just a glutten for punishing myself. Both are true so I was giggling along with them.
Dr. Toby and the nurses sometimes weren't as humored by our jokes, but overall they thought we were an interesting family. Dr. Toby stop most of the funny-business when after I had specifically told him I was severely afraid of needles, he decided that I needed a numbing shot in the huge gash on my knee. I wonder how many times he has seen a 19-year-old cry, because I was crying like I was 5-years-old and the world was about to end. After it was done, my body had stopped pumping adrenaline into my system and I was feeling very drowsy. It was almost like the feeling I got after my High school varsity games when I would play the full 90 minutes. I felt the pressure of the hook needle going around the gash in my knee, and all I could do was lie on the medical bed and hold my mom's hand.
Another funny thing that happened was Kenton's reaction to the whole ordeal. After I had recognized there was blood(instead of water) flowing down my leg, I sat down, took off my shoe (and set it next to my leg) and took a picture of my leg and shoe. I promptly sent him a pix message with no words. I later found out that my father had called and left him a message after finding out that I had been in an accident, because my dad assumed that Kenton, being one of my best friends, would be with me. My dad only said on the voice message, " If you're with Kailey, and you have your oil, give her a blessing." Ironically Kenton was asleep and driving down to Utah when all this was going on, but he was sure shocked when he finally awoke from his deep slumber.
Of course he called my dad first =P, and my dad concocted a story about how I had wanted to do the "Jump for Jesus" thing to show my faith, but I hadn't realized that I should use a motorcycle instead of a bike when going on the ramp. So when I did call Kenton after I got out of the emergency room, he told me, " Tell me what happened so I can tell you how stupid you are." Oh, I felt the love.
In the end, I'm glad I'm still on my parents health insurance. The whole ordeal was fun, and I ended up with my favorite drug for killing my pain: Hydrocodone =). Watching movies and getting sleep is all I get! I mean, with my hand being all ripped up and my knee being almost unbendable, I haven't been able to participate in to many chores and events.Also my sisters are feeling hospitable and I received my first spongebath the other day. And the bruises and scars are going to help me create great stories in the future; "Well kids, mom use to wrestle lions and one day they kinda beat her up." The look on their faces; Priceless.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

My Last Days in Hawaii- I think...


Scene One...Action

When you realize a month after you have left a place that you will never return to it for the same reason, it makes you wonder why you went there in the first place and why you love it now

Ode to Hawaii for it's full of dang (good) Mormons.

For it's swaying palm trees

Which leaves fall on me

For it's sunny weather

That sometimes makes me fetter

For it's pineapple so fresh

It sure is a catch

For all the girls who I care for

And all the boys I scared off

Oh sweet Hawaii never lose the shine you create on everyone's face

For the tourist spots (which I serenly hate)

For the "white sandy beachs"

And the Jumbo Shrimp (which I also dislike)

Ted's Bakery: I shall miss your MahiMahi

Ala Moana and it's busy air

Which most of the time I really don't care

Oh my dearest loves, like Hukilua beach,

Or Hukilua Cafe (with it's roast beef)

Temple Beach (aka Kara and I's beach-duh)

And since I know it's my last time there to hum

I'll just say la-te-te-dum

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

April foola joke Monologue

April Fools Day is a wonderful day;Full of magic and wonder, and more magic. But this April Fools day meant something a little bit more than just your average every day prank. I realized that this prank helped me to change my views about my life in general. And here is my in-depth, well thought out story :
March 2nd was an interesting day. I was sitting at my friend's house and listening to her tell me about her "engagement" April Fools prank. It consisted of pictures (with her neighbor who is a model), and facebook. Easy equation for mayhem. It was as she explained her prank to me that I realized I hadn't planned a prank for this year. So I began to rack my brain. Should I pull your everyday prank, or should I do something over the top. I usually like to plan things, so I thought, what da heck, why not push some people over the edge with this April Fools day.
The next couple of days I started to formulate what my possibilities were; should I make my parents think i'm in the hospital, or that I am stranded on a boat in the middle of the ocean. I could "elope" to vegas... Ya no. So then I thought back to my friend's prank and thought, "I could really make people believe I am engaged." And the sad part is, I knew most of them would believe me. The reason being is people back home joked before I came here saying things like, "Oh your going to be single for half of your first semester and then you'll be married by the end of your second semester there!" Not funny. And NOT true. I'm nothing special, and obviously all the boys here are smart enough to see that.
Anyway, gradually the ingredients to the plot came together. I had a ring(thanks to Angela), my best friend (who would become my witness) was coming Thursday March 25, and leaving the night of April Fools. All my friends at BYUH were helping me out, Facebook was being used to my advantage, and I had a photographer for the engagement pictures.
The only thing I was missing; a boy. My requirements were: a guy who didn't know me. I thought that would be simple, but this campus is so small , the only way you don't know them is if they are married and/or reclusive. I thought that was the case until I was talking to my friend Cheka after English class on March 5. As I was explaining to her my problem, she said she knew the perfect person. Who is this person? I asked. She simply said, "Richard".
At that time I had NO idea who he was... or so I thought. She then told me to come and meet him while she picked up her Chemistry book from him. We walk into this building I had never noticed before that is connected to the JFS Library. We walk to the back and there were cubicles. We weaved through the cubicles and then I see the face of this person, who I did know.
Richard Ahlstrom. I met him 3 times last semester. The only reason I know this is because each day was significant to me. The first time, I met him through his sister (who is in my ward) as her and I were walking to church for the first time at BYUH . That was a super awesome day! The second time was October 24(the day before my birthday). I re-met him at a bonfire that I went to after I had a birthday party for myself and my roommate! He didn't remember me so I reintroduced myself, and mentioned that I thought we had met before. The third time, was the Friday before finals week of Fall Semester 2009, when I had found out that my cousin Spencer had been murdered at a bar. It had been a rough day, and I was sitting outside of the library, at a picnic table with my friend Caralee, trying to study because I thought I would have to take my finals early in order to make it home for my cousin's funeral. Richard walked by and said Hi to Caralee, and when I (being very good with names and recognizing people) saw him, I said ," Hello Richard." Of course, as things happen sometimes, he forgot who I was. Because of how rough my day had been, I was considerable unhappy in the first place, and I become even more unhappy that this guy couldn't remember my name. (I'm over it now, so don't worry).
So how do you think I felt when I first saw this guy? I was thinking, "Oh great, it's the guy who couldn't remember my name, yay for me." But I asked him regardless of my feelings, and he agreed. Part of the prank was the guy had to call my dad and tell him he was dating me! Funniest 5 minutes of my life!
The month progressed and I was making preparations for the big week. I was lying to my mom and dad about how my life was going that entire month(and they would always ask about Richard and I would lie even more). All of my best friends were asking me questions too. Funny part about this entire prank though, is I had to end up telling my best friend, Kenton, because I could tell that he was very jealous and unhappy with me. He promised not to tell, and he later on helped me to get his entire family, and all of his roommates at BYU(who I talk to occasionally).
As the month of March sped by, I felt closer to my friends then I ever had before. I loved all the support and help all my girls gave me. I really appreciated all the ideas they came up with in order to make this prank more believable. I also really appreciate all the things they did like taking pictures, video taping things, and overall, lying in my behalf in order to make it seem as though my Faux Fiance and I were really attached.
The day finally came for Miss Shelby to come. I picked her up from the Honolulu airport on Thursday night. Friday, we went to Sunset beach and then to a date night for my ward. Saturday, she finally met my Faux Fiance. We went on the Laie Falls hike and at the falls is where the fake proposal took place. Shelby really believed it. Sunday I skyped my parents, with Richard, and we watched as they ecstatically congratulated "us".That same night I posted on Facebook that I was engaged (and this is why a person should never trust Facebook), and I got up to 57 post in one night. Monday was a busy day of school, but we did go to the PCC Night show.Tuesday, Shelby and I worked on on my homework. Wednesday was another busy day and so Shelby went to some classes with me (where a girl in one almost let the prank slip).
Can you imagine lying for a WEEK straight. I was so sick of my ring, that I kept slipping it off and putting it in my pocket when Shelby wasn't around me. I became so fed up with the lie in fact, that I stayed up until midnight Wednesday night in order to change my Facebook back to normal! I was single once again! HOORAY! I got really good reactions from all the people who thought it was for real. My entire family has sworn vengeance on me for the rest of my life, and my mom is going to beat me when she comes here to take me home on April 8th. The only sad part about my entire plan was, a girl from back home texted Shelby before I was going to reveal to her the prank! So I didn't get to see the stunned look, or feel a firm smack across my face.... nope.... all because I wanted to be single.
From this experience, I learned so much. I learned how important it is not to judge people based on preconcieved notions. My Faux Fiance is actually a really great guy, as it turns out. He isn't a block-head, and he isn't conceded. He is genuinely nice and I appreciate all of his help and all of the free-time he gave up in order to make this thing work. I enjoyed getting to know him through our planning meetings hahaha. Although he thought he couldn't act, his proposal was the BOMB! It literally made me (and all the other girls there) melt. Hahaha great job Faux Fiance, I owe him Subway for the rest of my life (or until he forgets my name again =P).
I also learned how much I love my family and friends. I feel as though I have a family in Hawaii as well as in Montana. My parents were encouraging me to be happy, they trusted my judgement, and they never thought I was being stupid in my decisions (which I appreciate). My friend's here make me so happy. They kept kept my spirits high, even when they knew I had dished it all to myself. They all loved my prank and I couldn't have done it without them. Which is why, now I am questioning whether or not I want to stay. Before I was so set on going to BYUI, but now I get this feeling as though I should be staying here with my Ohana. I also love this place. I guess it is something I will have to decided in the next couple of months while I am home.
So what did I learn through this prank? I learned that having fun is what builds friendships. Causing mayhem inflames vengeance. And doing something together creates a bond that can never be broken. I will forever cherish this memory!

Disgustingly Funny

Funny story:
I procrastinate; I will openly admit it and agree with anyone who says it. I'm sitting in the library, trying to make my 7 page research paper turn into a 8 page research paper.... not happening very quickly.
I get up and I go to the bathroom, shaking off some nervous as I take a stroll. I'm sitting in my stall and all of a sudden the girl next to me starts talking. I don't hear anyone, and I kinda wonder if it is someone who is outside of the stall who she is talking to. I wait for the voice, 5...10....15 seconds. Then I hear her begin to talk and I realize- she is talking on her cell phone and going to the bathroom. That's frickin nasty. Please dear friends, if I call you and you are using the restroom, please please please please please CALL ME AFTER YOU ARE DONE!
Love you

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Faux Tuna-nami

So I'm sitting in my friends room, with my friends computer, trying hard not to be to upset at the weather. Why? You may ask. Because living in Hawaii is suppose to be an adventurous time of my life. I went to bed at 2 am. last night, only to be awoken at 5:20 am to be told that there was going to be a tsunami that would be hitting us around 6 am and we would need to evacuate..... So I of course packed a backpack full of supplies and my 3 hour kit (I'm lacking in resources as a college student). As I was preparing I was talking to my roommate and she reminded me that SHE CAN'T swim. Great. Another thing to worry about. Well, everything progressed, the story got thicker and thicker. Anticipation was gaining and anxiousness was overcoming my thoughts. "When will it happen?"

I kept telling my friends and family that I wanted a shirt that reads "I survived a tsunami in Hawaii" with a big gigantic wave crushing on top of a poor stick figure.
Lame ending of my story. The strength of the earthquake in Chile wasn't strong enough to make a memory in my scrapbook. It was so weak that the waves were only 3 ft...... wow. So I've been sitting in a room for 4 hours for this. And the warnings have been called off. .Ugh
Life in a colorfully colored plastic wrap.

Friday, February 5, 2010


So tantilizing
So discreet
It's hidden in many forms:
Myspace, Facebook. Email,
Youtube, Movies, Watching a snail move
Cooking, Cleaning, writing dumb poetry
All these things I do instead
Of doing homework and killing my head
Oh wonderful procrastination
You help me to think of spontaneous ways
To not the things I'm responsible for
But I know I've gone overboard
When the feud between Leno and Letterman
Becomes interesting....
The End

Ode to Shiri Stevens

Shiri Shiri Shiri
As Lucy would say "Shear like pantyhose."
You remind me to feel glee
And that the sun is still shining

Shiri Shiri Shiri
You are my cup of tea
Hopefully you don't have fleas
Mary Poppins stilll believes in,
"Chim-chimmery, Chim-chimmery, Chim-chim-Shiri!"
Still makin me feel glee

Shiri Shiri Shiri
Your my favorite on your team]
"Better swing batter swing"
Why are you standing on 3?
Don't go changin that on me

Shiri Shiri Shiri
As creepy as it may be
You're my favorite part in my dreams
Pleas don't bust me at the seams
Or fail at makin me feel glee

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ode to my Loufa

Pink.. like something pink.
Fluffy, like a bundle of netting
My Loufa smells good
I like to take it to my showers
Oh Loufa, Thank you for rubbing off all my dead follicles
You make me feel all bubbly on the outside
I can use you with my Apricot Exfoliating Body Wash
(Made by Suave)
Wonderful Loufa, you make me feel like I can dance like Beyounce
As I scrub you all over my bod-ay
You'll get more of me than any man!
(Except for my future husband)
Oh Loufa, someday you may fall apart
But the memories we share will never depart
Like those times in the shower
When you'd wipe the grime off my feet
Or that mud fight
Or that pie fight
Those were grand
So thank you dear Loufa, for being my friend

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day One

Have you ever thought of a good idea, yet never wrote it down? Or thought of a question, yet when you find the answer you can't remember what the question was in the first place. In my life that is a continuous process. I forget, I remember, forget, remember. I think the best part is remembering though. Well, today while I was watching the news as I was doing my hill climb run 0n an tredmill in my schools workout room (breath), I was somehow thinking about all these odd things: politics, cancer, health, happiness, romance, and etc. Along with that I was thinking about all the things I want to accoplish in my life, all the goals I have set. I mean, my brain was working a thousand miles a hour as I was listening to this reporter talk about the recent ba-jab. As soon as I walked into the door of my dorm room, I wrote everything down. So, this is mostly for myself, but I thought I would let some people enjoy the randomness which is in my mind. I believe everyone can and should write down their thoughts, so why not be the first to start? Ta-da! Here I go!