Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Disgustingly Funny

Funny story:
I procrastinate; I will openly admit it and agree with anyone who says it. I'm sitting in the library, trying to make my 7 page research paper turn into a 8 page research paper.... not happening very quickly.
I get up and I go to the bathroom, shaking off some nervous as I take a stroll. I'm sitting in my stall and all of a sudden the girl next to me starts talking. I don't hear anyone, and I kinda wonder if it is someone who is outside of the stall who she is talking to. I wait for the voice, 5...10....15 seconds. Then I hear her begin to talk and I realize- she is talking on her cell phone and going to the bathroom. That's frickin nasty. Please dear friends, if I call you and you are using the restroom, please please please please please CALL ME AFTER YOU ARE DONE!
Love you