Saturday, September 18, 2010

New Testament Blog: Choice #4- We Must be Born again

The difference between “seeing” the kingdom of God and “entering” the kingdom of God, is that I really have no idea. But I would guess that when you see the kingdom of God, you are envisioning the possibility of what it could be like, while entering could be along the lines of not only envisioning the kingdom, but working towards obtaining the kingdom. The Lord explains this to Nicodemus, the Rabbi. He tells Nicodemus that he must enter into baptism in order to enter the kingdom of God. Baptism is a symbol of rebirth. In Moses 6:59, examples of rebirth are: dust of the living soul, be cleansed by blood, sanctified from sin. Baptism can also be a symbol of death. In Romans 6:4, examples of death are: resurrection, death of the natural man, death of our sins, death of Jesus Christ.
To be born of the Spirit, a man must look go of the natural man and enter into a covenant to let go of the natural man. When he obtains the gift of the Spirit, he is born with the light of Christ to lead and guide his life.
The natural element that the Lord compares to the Spirit to is the wind and it's an effective comparison because the wind and the Spirit are felt, but not tangible. They are not seen.
Heavenly Father loves all of his children. He sacrificed the life of a perfect being in order to make up for the imperfections of others. Jesus took upon our sins as a gift, so we could receive everlasting life. Jesus was sent specifically for that purpose. Despite our imperfections we will be able to obtain eternal life and spend them with our families and our Heavenly Father as long as we have full faith in Christ.