Friday, November 26, 2010

Choice #1 NT Lesson 11

John:14:15-17, 26-27; 15:26-27; 16:7-8, 13-14; Institute Manual; Bible Dictionary "Holy Ghost"
1. The Holy Ghost : -Comforts, -Spirit of Truth, -Teach all things, -Bring things to rememberance, -Peace, -Testify of Christ, -Reprove the world of sin, righteousness, and judgement, -Guide into all truth, -Glorify Christ, -Quickens intellectual faculties, -Increase, enlarges, expands, and purifies all natural passions and affections, -Inspires virtue, kindness, tenderness, gentleness, and charity, -Strengthens and gives tone to nerves, -Gives testimony to others, -Knows all truth
2. The Disciples must do these things to receive the Holy Ghost: -Keep the commandments, -Know him, -Not allow their hearts to be troubled or afraid, -Bear witness of Christ, -Baptised in Christ's name,
3. The Holy Ghost helped the Apostles fulfill their missions after the Savior's death and resurrection by helping them to communicate with Christ. Through the Holy Ghost, the apostles were able to know Christ's will and what he would have them teach to certain people. This allowed the to keep their ministry based on what Christ would want them to teach instead of what they, as mortal, imperfect men, would want to teach the people. It also was a comfort to the apostles when they had despairing moments in their lives.
A time when the Holy Ghost has blessed me is when I was in high school. From the time I was a freshman to the time I was a senior, I can definetly see a huge change in the way I acted and perceived my life. I was rough around the edges my freshman year, and I didn't have a strong testimony of the gospel. It was based off of my parents belief. I wouldn't stand up for my religion when other people would make fun of it, because I was to afraid to say anything. My sophomore I got a little bit better, but I still was rough around the edges and I wasn't friends with many of the kids who were LDS. My 2nd semester my sophomore year I decided to start reading one chapter of the Book of Mormon every night before I went to bed and that changed everything in my life. I began to be kinder, and more loving towards my family members, and friends. I was thinking about others more than myself, and I was the first to stop rumors about the LDS church at school. It was during this time that I met my best friend in the whole world (literally), who has made me a better person than I could ever! I know it was because of the influence of Holy Ghost that I was able to change!