Tuesday, November 2, 2010

NT Choice #1

Key events in the last week of Christ's Ministry:

Day 1- Rode into Jerusalem on a donkey's back while the multitude placed palm branches in his way and shouted hosanna. He also went to the temple, then retired to Bethany.
Day 2- Drove the merchants from the outer courts of the temple, which challenged the authority of the leaders in the church. But it posed the question, is the temple a place of worship of God or a pursuit of gain. Jesus said it is a house a prayer and the leaders "...made it a den of thieves."(Matt 21:13)
Day 3- Jesus returned to the temple where the scribes and the Pharisees met him. They confronted him ans asked him by what authority he thought he could drive out people from the temple. Jesus told them a series of parables and then denounced them, calling them hypocrites. The Jewish leaders plot Jesus's death, and Judas offers to betray Jesus.
Day 4-Jesus spent his day outside Jerusalem. None of the disciples wrote anything concerning what came to pass during this day.
Day 5-Jesus celebrated the Passover with his disciples. He introduces the sacrament, prophesies of his death, and indicates who will betray him. Jesus then went to the Garden of Gethsemane with 11 of his disciples. After taking all of our sins upon himself, he rejoined his disciples and then was betrayed by Judas who brought an armed band of the Pharisees "henchmen".
Day 6- Jesus was tried by Jewish leaders and Pilate based on 2 false crimes. The 1st was that he claimed blasphemy, the second was he had claimed himself to be a "king" which in Roman law is charge of sedition. After being convicted he was then crucified. Because the Passover was the next day, Jesus's body was taken down from the cross and put in a tomb.
Day 7 (Sabbath)- Jesus's body remained in the tomb, but his spirit was ministering in the realm of departed spirits.
Day of Resurrection- Jesus rises from the dead and a appears to many witnesses. Mary was the first to see him, and then he appeared to his disciples and many other countries and worlds.