Thursday, November 18, 2010

Lesson 10 NT Choice #4

1. In John 13:34-35, it states that we should love one another as he has loved each of us. We can show that we are disciples of Christ by following this rule. We should love our neighbors despite their trespasses, and love all of those who wish us ill will. Show our love to those in need (by charity), and show those who we love more love so they will never forget how much we love them. The little things we do each day will help to remind those around us that we love them. Some ways are hugging a person, writing them a letter, giving them a compliment, and feeding them food.
2. If someone I know is ridiculed because of the way they dress I would:
- Tell the people who are ridiculing them to stop - Comfort the person if they were feeling bad - Tell them it's ok to be themselves - Dress just like them and start a trend
If I was to see a new person at church I would:
- Introduce myself - Invite them to any activities that would help them get acquainted with other people - Always say hi whenever I see them
3. If I could choose anyone to show more love tom it would be my dad. He does a lot for me and sometimes I take it for granted. I really need to start showing my appreciation more often instead of just simply saying thanks and walking away. Some ways that I can show my appreciate towards my dad is:
- doing all I can to help when I'm home - Try and call him more often - send him a text every so often, just letting him know I love him. - Take good care of the things he gives me - Never take anything for granted - Make him proud of me