Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Our Moon

" I see the moon and the moon see's me

God bless the moon and God bless me
With a diddle-diddle-dumplin
A diddle-diddle-dee
God bless the moon and God bless me"
It is interesting how excited I get whenever I look at the moon. It's not your average, "oh the moon is up and it looks pretty" kind of reaction. My reaction is more of a calm excited sensation. It reminds me that every night everyone can see the moon no matter where they are at. For the past year and 1/2 I've found solace in that fact. Because someone I love has usually been very very far away from me. Every time I see the moon, I think of how he probably saw it too. I have made sure that where I sleep most of the time is by a window, just so I can see the moon and remember every night why I love it so much.
Last night I had a great experience. I was getting ready for bed after a long snowy day of truckin through the snow in my hefty snow boots (wonderful things), and just as I was about to shut my eyes I left a little bit of light above my head. I looked and saw that it was coming from in between the blinds. I quickly got up and pushed the blinds apart in order to see the most beautiful moon shining in the dark sky. I just sat and gazed as I reminded myself what I have been telling myself for the past 4 months, "he saw it and thought of me just like I'm thinking of him".
He actually sent me the picture that is attached to this post. His mother was wondering why he would attach a random picture of the moon to his weekly emails, but I knew =). It's moments like that when I know everything is worth it. He may be in Uruguay, but we can look at the moon and remember why we are best friends!
I tinkered with this picture to make it look as beautiful as I think it looks every night (just in case if your wondering why it looks so vibrant)!